As usual there's been a lot of off-topic cool, funny, fascinating, or just plain weird stuff that we've found on the web over the last month. We usually just share it round the office, but this time we're sharing it with you too. Here are some of the team's favourites:
Cool Viral Stunt:
Keloid - Awesome-looking trailer - with robots!:
Micro Quadrotor UAV swarm in formation:
Terrible estate agent photos (glad our estate agent clients don't take photos like this):
The Beer Fridge That Opens Only for Canadians:
How Robots Will Change the World - BBC Documentary:
Relativity: The Special and General Theory (how to warp your brain):
Bad Lipreading: Game of Thrones:
Musicians read mean tweets about themselves:
Tarantino’s Top 10 Films of 2013:
Anchor Man 2 Trailer: