Indulge Media’s managing director and lead designer Russell Isabelle has joined only 3,000 other people in the world to become User Experience (UX) Certified by the Nielson Norman Group (NN/g).
To earn the UX Certification each participant must complete five courses at the NN/g UX Conference. Russell attended the NN/g UX Conference in London last month to obtain his certificate. Each course is designed to give UX professionals more insightful ways to measure user experience on their clients’ websites and analyse user behaviours in more detail.
Russell specialised in UX Research, which covered persona creation, customer journey mapping and measuring user experience through usability testing and analytics. Each course day required an exam to be taken and a pass rate of 80% or higher.
The usability testing course covered various methods to facilitate, evaluate and produce reports for qualitative and quantitative testing. These tests can be conducted as summative or formative studies at the beginning, end or during the website production process.
Knowledge gained from all aspects of the courses have already been applied to our website production process, helping us to improve the user experience of our client's websites.