Stop press! I know you're all gagging for an update on the development of version 4 of the Indulge Media website (well that's what I would like to think but it's probably not entirely true).
Anyway, it's really coming together now and I am pleased to announce that we will be firing out a public beta towards the end of this month. The plan is to run it in beta for a month or so, gather as much feedback as we can, refine it, then launch it for real.
There are some really nice, original features and it definitely has that wow factor. We have put a hhheeeeouge amount of work into making super usable on mobiles & tablets and literally can't wait to show it to the world.
Once all of the revised copy has been loaded we'll put it through our bullet-proof Quality Assurance (QA) process then BOOM, we'll flick the switch. To be fair it probably won't be a BOOM, it'll more like a mouse click followed by a cup of tea, but either way it's going to be a pretty cool moment.
Watch this space!