So here we, 7 months into our fledgling business and things are going well. It's crazy to think how far we have come and how much we have learned since our inception back in May. We have a long list of clients, a full time employee, an entire flip chart page full of projects, a of couple of uber-sites that we are working on (one is due to go live very soon :))) and whole load of SEO and pay per click work.
Who would have thunk it! I was preparing myself for a 12 month diet of bread-crust and luke warm water, but it hasn't actually been that bad at all!
Anyway, as we approach the festive season and the start of a new decade, I thought I would publish a list of 11 digital agency learnings we have gathered along the way.
- Ignore the power of e-marketing at your peril
- Make sure you have an AMAZING website
- Put time aside to blog, tweet and manage your Facebook group
- Shout about your successes (and don't be scared of getting a PR agency involved - thank you Orchard!)
- Give your business card to everyone you meet, including your mum
- When you need to hire someone, hire someone. Don't risk letting your clients down
- Don't be afraid to adapt, in fact make sure you embrace change
- Hire an office! Don't be tempted to work out of your dining room. You'll never win any big clients that way.
- When you hire an office, ask the estate agent if they will be practically tearing down the building and re-building it around you within the first 2 months of you moving in ( we're not bitter! )
- If you can't do something for a client, don't say yes cause it will bite you further down the line. You need to manage their expectations properly
- Be a vicious perfectionist
Hope you found this interesting, it's certainly been an exciting learning curve for us...
Image courtesy of Grzegorz Łobiński